Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Post

The title probably reflects on my abilities to think out of the so called box. But with the box growing bigger and bigger, what was outside the box earlier very soon stands the chance of being tipped into the box. This very box is sort of the reason for me to start this excuse for a rant. So for the past few months, I had been debating with myself, people around me and the wall in front of me as to when does a designer fulfill his/her destiny. Is it when he/she has specialized in one discipline of design, or is it when he/she becomes an authority over the discipline called design? So what all does the box actually contain? Why the hell did I say that? Well, it has come to my notice that design has to be considered as a discipline and all design is one. And the whole world seems divided over it. At least the world around me definitely seems to be. So this blog is going to be an exploration, if you will, into this very question and yours truly is going to be the explorer. I know, I'm most probably walking a well trodden path, but whoever has walked here before, did not care to leave the lights on. So it will be my endeavor to find the switch and cast some light, mostly for myself, but you are welcome to satisfy your voyeuristic tendencies. So I shall proceed with the hypothesis that I will be able to master all the forms of design in this lifetime. Disregarding the sneering remarks of the naysayers, here's a step forward.

These are all studies done, some from movie stills and others from my imagination. The primary goal here was to understand the nuances of composing a good scene and lighting it interestingly. As can be clearly seen, the scenes from my imagination seem to have a long way to go before I clearly understand the process of lighting them much more dramatically. So these are all done in under 40 minutes with the intention of not focusing on details but only on the gestault. Startled as I am at my ability to articulate so much in words, I shall say that was a beginning much needed for myself.